I'm going to be talking about the presentation about Webcomics. There are two types of webcomics, one being a comic strip and another being a full out story. However, webcomics in general are much more accessible than the traditional comic, strip or otherwise. Comic strips require you to buy a newspaper and comic books have to be bought.
Webcomics on the other hand are free and available online. Not only that, the artist usually occasionally updates it with new pages or content.
By being available to everyone online, online fan communities for them can be far larger than their physical counterparts.
The best thing about webcomics is that anyone can start one. The process of obtaining a publisher isn't a problem and there aren't any real costs to make one.
Overall, I found the presentation fun and entertaining. I even learned about a few webcomics that I've never heard of before. I used to read webcomics but I stopped a year or two ago.
Maybe this is a sign to start up again.
Why Do Chickens Take Dirt Baths
6 months ago