The Practice of Gold Farming in Online Games
Gold Farming consists of Third-worlders laboring in rural virtual sweatshops, plugged in as peasants in character-based games such as EverQuest and World of Warcraft. Their goal is to simply exist in the virtual world, and perform small tasks that will help them build up credit or "gold," or whatever currency is internal to the game.
Then this gold is sold by the company they work for for a big profit.
Contrary to the popularity of the new business venture of gold farming, the practice is illegial and companies detest it. However some embrace the idea by creating their own gold markets ingame.
A majority of gamers don't find gold farming an unfair practice, at least those that purchase it. However, there are some that dislike it due to the fact that it lets players "cheat" the system, bypassing the hard work and time required to reach a certain level.
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6 months ago
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